This course has already ended.

Tervetuloa Ohjelmointi 1 -kurssille!

Tämä on oppimisympäristö A+, jota käytämme O1:n eli Ohjelmointi 1 -kurssin ja sen avoimen verkkoversion tarjoamiseen. Syksyn kurssi alkaa virallisesti maanantaina 2.9.2024. Kurssimateriaali harjoitustehtävineen julkaistaan täällä vähän sitä ennen, elokuun lopussa.

Jos osaat suomea, mutta A+ näkyy sinulla englanninkielisenä, vaihda kieltä Language -nappulalla vasemman reunan valikon yläosassa.

Welcome to Programming 1!

This is the A+ course platform that we use to run the course Programming 1, better known as O1. The course is open not only to Aalto University’s own students but to anyone. This fall’s course officially starts on Monday, September 2nd, 2024. The course materials and assignments will be published here already before that date, in late August.

If you're doing O1 in English, but A+ shows up in Finnish, please change languages with the Language button near the top of the menu on the left.

Course news

Summary of end-of-course feedback

We’ve published a summary of the course feedback that we received. Thank you for answering the questionnaire and taking part in O1!

(If you didn't answer the questionnaire yet, chop chop! We'll accept and read late feedback, too.)

Remember the end-of-course questionnaire! And the last bulletin!

The last bulletin is in Chapter 13.0. You’ll also a link there that will take you to the assistants' favorite text-adventure games (once those are published, within a few days’ time).

Reminder: The course feedback questionnaire is now open in Chapter 13.1. It is a mandatory component of O1.

Enjoy the holidays and happy programming!

End-of-course event on Monday, course feedback form online

O1’s end-of-course “lecture” is next Monday (Dec 9th, 2 p.m., Hall C in the Undergraduate Centre). After that — or already before, if you prefer — you should fill in our course feedback form, which is now available in Chapter 13.1.

Week 12

The newest bulletin is in Chapter 12.0. The last regular deadline is on December 4th at six.

Week 11 is unusual

The Week 11 deadline is only on Wed Nov 27th, so you'll have more time to work on the next assignments. Make use of that time: start planning and programming as soon as possible. Also, do consider doing this one with a pair, even if you’ve done the other Weeks alone. For more information and many other topics, see the newest bulletin in Chapter 11.0.

Week 10

The newest weekly bulletin is out as Chapter 10.0. The next deadline is Wed Nov 13th at six.

Week 9

The newest weekly bulletin is out as Chapter 9.0. The next deadline is Wed Nov 6th at six.

Week 8

The newest weekly bulletin is out as Chapter 8.0. The next deadline is Wed, Oct 30th, at 6 p.m.

Week 7

The newest weekly bulletin is out as Chapter 7.0. The next deadline is Wed, Oct 23rd, at 18:00.

Week 6

The newest weekly bulletin is out as Chapter 6.0. The next deadline is in a week’s time on Oct 16th, at the usual time.

Week 5

The newest weekly bulletin is out as Chapter 5.0. The next deadline is Oct 9th at 6 p.m.

Week 4

The newest weekly bulletin is out as Chapter 4.0. The next deadline is Oct 2nd at 18:00. Bon voyage!

Bulletin #2, Week #3

There's a new weekly bulletin in Chapter 3.0. Plenty of content there! The Week 3 deadline is Wed, Sep 25th, at 18:00.

First weekly bulletin out; Week 2 underway

The first weekly bulletin has been published as Chapter 2.0 of the ebook. Go check it out! You should also start thinking about Week 2 as soon as possible; the deadline is Wed, Sep 18th at 6 p.m.

We Are Go!

O1 is underway. Please do get to work on the assignments soon; many of you already have, which is great. The lab sessions are starting this Thursday, and you'll find the full schedule on the Lab Sessions page in the A+ menu.

O1 will start soon

O1 officially kicks off next week. Welcome! The first deadline is already on Wednesday, September 11th at 18:00. If you happen to have time on your hands right now, you can already get started in the first chapter our ebook.


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