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Course feedback results - fall 2023
Mother tongue:
If you are fully bilingual (or tri-), please select the first applicable option. E.g., pick “Finnish” if you know both Finnish and another language at the level of a native speaker.
- a) Finnish
- b) Swedish
- c) some other language
General Comments
Please indicate whether you agree with these claims:
“When I needed information about O1’s practical arrangements, I found it.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“The course kept to the stated schedule, or at least kept us informed of any changes.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“It’s good that the course grade comes directly from the assignments.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“Dividing the assignments in categories (A, B, C) is a good idea.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“It was important to me that I could study when and where I want (i.e., no mandatory attendance).”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“It was important to me that I could choose whether or not to work with a student pair.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“I think the course should have had an examination.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“I think the course should have been based on lectures.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“Fetching modules into IntelliJ and submitting solutions to A+ worked well.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“The course staff seemed motivated.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
Further comments on the practical arrangements or the other topics mentioned above:
Course Materials and Assignments
Which of the following claims about the weekly bulletins best matches you?
- a) I didn’t even notice that the weekly bulletins were available.
- b) I noticed the weekly bulletins, but I didn’t read them at all or barely skimmed them.
- c) I read some parts of the weekly bulletins.
- d) I read most (or all) of the content in most (or all) of the weekly bulletins.
The next two questions are about the Open OnDemand (OOD) environment, which enables Aalto students to use IntelliJ via their web browser (rather than as a local installation). OOD was in experimental use this semester, and a minority of O1 students used it.
Which of the following best describes your use of IntelliJ via OOD?
- a) I don’t know what this OOD stuff refers to.
- b) I noticed the OOD option, but I didn’t try it.
- c) I tried IntelliJ via OOD. However, I mostly worked in the “regular” IntelliJ, not in OOD.
- d) During the course, I used IntelliJ both via OOD and in the “regular” way, as a local installation.
- e) During the course, I used IntelliJ only (or almost only) via OOD.
- f) I don’t know. / No comment.
If you used OOD at least once, please answer the next question, too.
- a) Using IntelliJ via OOD worked very poorly.
- b) Using IntelliJ via OOD somewhat worked but there were clear problems, too.
- c) Using IntelliJ via OOD worked nicely despite some problems.
- d) Using IntelliJ via OOD worked completely or almost completely without problems.
- e) I didn’t use OOD. / I don’t know. / No comment.
Please indicate whether you agree with these claims:
“The course materials were understandable.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“The course materials were interesting.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“It makes sense to embed the assignments in the ebook text.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“It’s reasonable for O1 to use automatic assessment.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“The weekly bulletins were a good addition to the course.” (Please pick “No comment” if you didn’t read them.)
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“Some of the material being in English was a source of difficulty for me.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“[question about Finnish omitted from English questionnaire]”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“Scala seems like a useful programming language.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“Scala seems like a programming language that is suitable for O1.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“The course was too theoretical.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“The course should have emphasized theory more.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“It’s good that we programmed with images and sound, even though that meant using O1-specific tools (e.g., the play function, the Pic class, etc.)”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“During O1, I voluntarily used a debugger tool at least sometimes.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“I feel like the course should have had a deeper introduction to debugging tools.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
Please indicate whether you agree with these claims:
“I studied the animations carefully.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“The animations helped me understand program examples and/or programming concepts.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
Further comments on the course materials, assignments, weekly bulletins, or the other topics mentioned above:
Learning and Workload
How much do you feel you learned in O1?
- a) nothing
- b) a little
- c) some
- d) a lot
How difficult would you describe O1’s contents as?
- a) much too easy
- b) a little too easy
- c) more or less appropriate
- d) a little too hard
- e) much too hard
Please consider the following info, then comment on O1’s workload
Any five-credit course should provide about 137 hours of learning for a typical student who has no additional prior experience in the course topic and who reaches a grade of three. Reaching the highest grades may well take more time.
In O1, 137 hours means working for more than ten hours per week.
In the light of the above information, assess O1’s workload by selecting one of the options below. (Please note that this question isn’t about whether O1 is lighter or heavier than other courses you are taking or have taken.)
- a) The workload is far too light.
- b) The workload is a little too light.
- c) The workload is more or less appropriate.
- d) The workload is a little too heavy.
- e) The workload is far too heavy.
Your activity: did you put in the effort?
“I’m satisfied with my own efforts in O1.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
Please indicate whether you agree with these claims:
(These items, too, are here to help with course design. Obviously, none of youranswers to this questionnaire will affect your — or anyone’s — course grade.)
“I think would have learned more if I had made less use of other people’s work/help (e.g., unbalanced pairwork, reliance on external assistance, or something similar).”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“I’m aware of at least one other student who I think would have learned more if they hadn’t relied so much on others’ work (e.g., unbalanced pairwork, plagiarism, or something similar).”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“I think would have learned more if I had gotten less help from ChatGPT or similar tools.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
“I’m aware of at least one other student who I think would have learned more if they had gotten less help from ChatGPT or similar tools.”
- 0) cannot say / no comments
- 1) strongly disagree
- 2) disagree
- 3) agree
- 4) strongly agree
Further comments on learning, difficulty, and workload:
Miscellaneous Questions
Other courses
If you’ve ever taken a different introductory programming course, we’d appreciate your comments on what was better, worse, or otherwise different in O1 compared to that other course.
To future O1 students
If you’d like to enter a hint or message to the students of future O1 offerings, you’re welcome to do so here:
Please rate O1’s arrangements (course components, announcements, other practicalities):
- a) 1 — very poor
- b) 2
- c) 3
- d) 4
- e) 5 — very good
- f) don’t know / no comment
Please rate O1’s course materials (ebook):
- a) 1 — very poor
- b) 2
- c) 3
- d) 4
- e) 5 — very good
- f) don’t know / no comment
Please rate the guidance you received (lab sessions, online forums, etc.):
- a) 1 — very poor
- b) 2
- c) 3
- d) 4
- e) 5 — very good
- f) don’t know / no comment
Please rate O1 as a whole:
- a) 1 — very poor
- b) 2
- c) 3
- d) 4
- e) 5 — very good
- f) don’t know / no comment
“Finally, I’d like to say this:”
Identical submission
Earned points
0 / 0
Exercise info
- Assignment category
- Chapter
- Your submissions
- 0
- Deadline
- Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 23:59
- Late submission deadline
- Monday, 15 April 2024, 12:00 (-100%)
- Total number of submitters
- 0