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Chapter 8.1: A Game of Glasses
About This Page
Questions Answered: How will I manage with a bigger program
with multiple classes?
Topics: The chapter revolves around a single programming
assignment, which features collection methods and subtyping,
among other things.
A game of Viinaharava in progress. Some of the glasses have been
drunk; those squares either contain a number indicating the
number of neighboring booze glasses or are empty to indicate
that there is no booze in the immediate vicinity. (Yes, it’s a
different-looking Minesweeper.)
The local temperance society has commissioned a game that promotes water as a healthy
drink. To that end, a game named Viinaharava has been designed; its implementation is
more or less ready but needs you to flesh it out.
Viinaharava takes place on a board that consists of small drinking glasses arranged in a
grid. Most of them contain water but a few contain a stiff, transparent alcoholic drink,
“a booze”. The player’s task is to drink all the water glasses without touching a booze.
The player virtually drinks a glass by clicking on it. Their task is simplified by a hint
at the bottom of each glass: the number of boozes in neighboring glasses. The game is over
when either all the water or even a single booze has been drunk.
Task description
You’ll find a partially operational implementation in the Viinaharava module. See below
for an introduction.
Study this module and fill in the missing parts. You may wish to follow these steps:
Launch Viinaharava with the app object o1.viinaharava.gui.Viinaharava.
The board shows up but the game doesn’t work.
Study the class o1.Grid, which has been used in Viinaharava’s
implementation. See below for further information.
Familiarize yourself with the classes in package o1.viinaharava.
Start from the overview of the package below, then turn to
the Scaladocs and the source code.
Once you understand the program as given, add the missing parts.
See below for additional instructions and hints.
Representing Dense Grids
You’ll remember Snake from Chapter 6.3. In that game, the snake and its food were
located on the spaces of a grid-like playing field, which we recorded as GridPos
objects. Each GridPos was composed of two integers x and y, the pair of which
pinpointed a space on the grid.
Viinaharava resembles Snake: it, too, has a playing field that is essentially a grid.
We can again use GridPos as we represent the locations of each glass on the game board.
(In this assignment, you don’t have to concern yourself with pixels or graphics. The
given GUI takes care of that. You can focus on modeling the rules of the game itself.
You just need to consider each glass’s position on the grid, its GridPos.)
In Snake, we had a “sparse” grid: there were few actual items (snake segments; food)
in the grid compared to the total number of spaces. We represented the game’s state by
simply tracking those GridPos coordinates that actually did contain something and
considered each other space to be empty,
This time we’ll be different and represent game boards as “dense” grids. We’ll record,
for every single space on the board, which kind of glass it contains: Is it a water
glass or a booze? Have the contents been drunk already? How many dangerous neighbors
does it have?
We’ll find it easier to represent dense grids if we adopt a tool designed for just that
The Grid trait
The o1 package provides a Grid trait. Each Grid objects represents a grid that
consists of elements of similar size that have been laid out in rows and columns. The
elements could be glasses, for example.
The trait has a number of methods for manipulating such grids. For instance, there are
methods for picking out a particular element given its position (elementAt and apply),
finding all the spaces that are adjacent to a given space (neighbors), and determining
the grid’s dimensions (width, height, and size).
Since Grid is a trait, we can’t simply say Grid(...) to create an instance; we instantiate
it via subtypes. The Grid trait is designed to work in different applications that feature
grids and GridPoses: it doesn’t specify what kind of spaces grids consist of. That’s
something we’ll need to specify in a subtype.
Viinaharava is a particular use case for Grid: each game board is a grid that consists
of glasses. (In later assignments, we’ll use Grid to represent grids with other kinds of
The Viinaharava Module
Module Viinaharava contains two packages. We won’t go into the GUI package o1.viinaharava.gui
and you don’t need to understand how it works; it’s enough that you find the app object
there and use it to start the program. The parent package o1.viinaharava, however, is
very topical. Its key classes are these two:
Glass: instances of this class represent individual glasses
that the game board consists of.
GameBoard: a GameBoard object represents an entire game board,
a grid of Glasses. GameBoard is a subtype of Grid:
The diagram below describes the relationships between the classes:
The lower part of the diagram means that each game board is associated with multiple
glasses, each at its particular position: we can use a GridPos to pick out a
particular Glass on a GameBoard.
Glass and its missing methods
Each glass can be either full or empty. It can be either a glass of water or a glass
of booze. Moreover, each Glass object keeps track of how dangerous it is: how many
boozes there are in the adjacent glasses. The danger level is a number between zero
and eight; diagonally adjacent counts, too.
Glass objects have instance variables for recording their contents and danger level.
Each glass also “knows” which game board it’s on and which GridPos it’s at.
When created, a glass is full of water. The Glass class has methods for modifying
that initial state. Specifically:
We can empty a glass. The empty method is invoked whenever the
user (left-)clicks a glass in the GUI.
We should be able to fill a glass with booze (pourBooze). This
has the additional effect of increasing the danger levels of
neighboring glasses. pourBooze is called several times at the
start of each game to place the hidden booze on the board. (For
testing purposes, the GUI also lets the player add booze during a
pourBooze lacks an implementation, though. The neighbors method, which is supposed
to find the adjacent glasses, is also missing.
A new GameBoard instance needs three constructor parameters:
the number of columns on the grid, the number of rows, and
the number of booze glasses initially hidden on the board.
Initializing any Grid object requires a width and a height.
We pass these two parameters onwards to the trait.
The class header needs one more thing before it works. This is because the supertype
Grid demands a type parameter in addition to the constructor parameters. Just like we
have used square brackets to mark the element type of a Buffer, we can mark the element
type of a Grid:
A GameBoard object is a Grid whose elements are Glass
As you saw when you launched the game, the given implementation already fills the board
with water glasses. A further inspection of the given code in GameBoard.scala shows us
As the documentation says: this method, which
produces a collection of all the elements that initially occupy
the grid, is left as abstract by the Grid trait. (However, the
trait automatically calls this method when a new grid is created.)
The subtype GameBoard implements the method by returning
a collection of empty Glasses. Feel free to study this
implementation, but it’s not strictly necessary for the present
assignment. Don’t change this method.
The placeBoozeAtRandom call written directly into the class
body is part of the code that initializes new instances of
GameBoard (i.e., the class’s constructor). The method is
invoked every time a new GameBoard is created.
The aforementioned placeBoozeAtRandom method doesn’t have an implementation yet, so
there’s no booze on the board. That will require your attention.
The drink method is also missing, which is why the game doesn’t do anything when
clicked. So are isOutOfWater and isGameOver, which are related to ending the game.
You may tackle with the assignment in four steps as described below.
Recommended Workflow
Step 1 of 4: Water
In GameBoard.scala, find the drink method and write the missing if branch that deals
with water glasses.
Then implement isOutOfWater in the same class. Hints:
For easy access to all the glasses on the game board, you can use
the allElements method that GameBoard gets from its Grid
If you pick the right higher-order method (from Chapter 6.3),
the implementation will be quite simple.
Try running the game again. You can now empty glasses to your heart’s content. Once
all the water is gone, the app lets you know. The booze is still lacking from the game,
however, and so is the consequent suspense.
Step 2 of 4: Booze glasses
Implement neighbors on Glass. Hint: to obtain a very simple solution, call an
existing method.
Then write the pourBooze method in the same class. Once that’s done, it’s possible
pour booze in glasses and thereby adjust the danger levels of neighboring glasses.
The actual game still works as before, however, since the newly implemented method
doesn’t get called.
Step 3 of 4: Booze on the board
Switch your attention to placeBoozeAtRandom in class GameBoard, a private method.
Implement this method so that it selects a random set of glasses and pours booze in
them. The method should randomize the glasses in such a way that each new game (each
new GameBoard) is unpredictable.
Here are two different ways to approach the problem. Feel free to pick either of them,
or come up with something else, as long as your method works. (The second algorithm is
easier to implement.)
Algorithm #1:
Use a random-number generator to pick a pair of coordinates.
Find out if those coordinates already contain booze.
If so, do nothing.
If not, pour booze there.
Keep repeating steps 1 and 2 until the target number of booze
glasses is reached.
Algorithm #2:
Form a collection that contains each of the glass objects.
Shuffle the collection so that the glasses are in random order.
(It’s possible to write, say, a loop that does this, but you
can also use the convenient method Random.shuffle; see below
for an example.)
Take the desired number of glasses from the collection.
Pour booze in each of those glasses.
Try running the program again. It should be more or less playable now, but let’s make a
couple more changes.
When the player hits a booze glass, we’d like two things to happen:
We’d like the game to be over when any booze glass is drunk.
However, the given isGameOver method does not deal with this
scenario correctly. Fix the given implementation. You may wish
to make use of the boozeGlasses method in the same class; it
returns a Vector of all the booze glasses on the board.
The game should reveal (i.e., empty) all the booze glasses on
the board when any booze is drunk. To accomplish this, write the
branch of the drink method that deals with booze glasses.
One drink per click, please
When the player clicks on a water glass and reveals that it had
a danger level of zero, one can safely drink all the neighboring
glasses as well. Perhaps you’d like the program to do so automatically
without the player having to click on each safe neighbor separately.
In Chapter 12.2, we’ll do just that with the help of a technique
known as recursion.
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Please note that this section must be completed individually.
Even if you worked on this chapter with a pair, each of you should submit the form separately.
Thousands of students have given feedback and so contributed to this ebook’s design.
Thank you!
The ebook’s chapters, programming assignments, and weekly bulletins have been written in
Finnish and translated into English by Juha Sorva.
The appendices (glossary, Scala reference,
FAQ, etc.) are by Juha Sorva unless otherwise specified on the page.
The automatic assessment of the assignments has been developed by: (in alphabetical order)
Riku Autio, Nikolas Drosdek, Kaisa Ek, Joonatan Honkamaa, Antti Immonen, Jaakko Kantojärvi,
Niklas Kröger, Kalle Laitinen, Teemu Lehtinen, Mikael Lenander, Ilona Ma, Jaakko Nakaza,
Strasdosky Otewa, Timi Seppälä, Teemu Sirkiä, Anna Valldeoriola Cardó, and Aleksi Vartiainen.
The illustrations at the top of each chapter, and the similar drawings elsewhere in the
ebook, are the work of Christina Lassheikki.
The animations that detail the execution Scala programs have been designed by Juha
Sorva and Teemu Sirkiä. Teemu Sirkiä and Riku Autio did the technical implementation,
relying on Teemu’s Jsvee and Kelmu toolkits.
The other diagrams and interactive presentations in the ebook are by Juha Sorva.
The O1Library software
has been developed by Aleksi Lukkarinen and Juha Sorva. Several of its key components
are built upon Aleksi’s SMCL
The pedagogy of using O1Library for simple graphical programming (such as Pic) is
inspired by the textbooks How to Design Programs by Flatt, Felleisen, Findler, and
Krishnamurthi and Picturing Programs by Stephen Bloch.
The course platform A+ was originally created at Aalto’s LeTech
research group as a student project. The open-source project
is now shepherded by the Computer Science department’s edu-tech team and hosted by the department’s IT
Markku Riekkinen is the current lead developer; dozens of Aalto students and others have also contributed.
The A+ Courses plugin,
which supports A+ and O1 in IntelliJ IDEA, is another open-source project. It has been designed and
implemented by various students
in collaboration with O1’s teachers.
For O1’s current teaching staff, please see Chapter 1.1.
Additional credits appear at the ends of some chapters.
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A new
instance needs three constructor parameters: the number of columns on the grid, the number of rows, and the number of booze glasses initially hidden on the board.