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Chapter 1.6: Using Subprograms
About This Page
Questions Answered: How do I launch a custom command (that’s been defined by someone else)? How do I pass parameters to the command and see what it accomplishes?
Topics: Subprograms. Effectful vs. effect-free subprograms. Calling
a subprogram: parameters and return values. Nested calls. The Unit
value. Accessing packages with import
What Will I Do? Program in the REPL and read.
Rough Estimate of Workload:? An hour, or perhaps an hour and a half. In addition to the assignments, there is some knotty (but useful) terminology to untangle.
Points Available: A20.
Related Modules: Subprograms (new).

Notes: This chapter makes occasional use of sound, so speakers or headphones are recommended. They aren’t strictly necessary, though.

This and next two chapters are concerned with subprograms (aliohjelma).
A subprogram is an implementation of a particular piece of functionality. For instance, a subprogram may calculate a result, record some useful data in the computer’s memory, or print out a message. Or it may perform a specific combination of such tasks.
Programmers can create new subprograms, then use what they created. They can also use subprograms created by other programmers. A full program like GoodStuff or Pong contains many subprograms.
But you’ll have to wait a bit before we can tackle how those applications work. For now, let’s proceed as follows:
In this chapter, you’ll see how to make use of custom subprograms that have been provided for you. We won’t care yet about how the subprograms that you use have been created.
Week 1’s last chapters, 1.7 and 1.8, introduce the implementations of various ready-made subprograms; that is, you’ll study how the given subprograms’ internal behavior has been defined and how those internals work as each subprogram is used. At the same time, you’ll get to practice creating subprograms of your own.
Subprograms are the last missing piece that we’ll need in Week 2 to discuss something called “object orientation”, which will help us put together entire programs.
Preparatory Steps
For this chapter, you need a new IntelliJ module called Subprograms. It contains an assortment of subprograms for you to experiment with. The instructions below recap (from Chapter 1.2) how you can download a module and use it in the REPL.
Fetch the module into IntelliJ from the A+ Courses tab at IntelliJ’s right-hand edge.
Start the REPL in the Subprograms module. Select Subprograms in the Project tab on the left. Then press Ctrl+Shift+D or pick Tools → Scala REPL in the menu.
The REPL should show up with the title REPL for Subprograms.
Example of a Custom Subprogram
Suppose we have some numbers stored in a buffer. They could be a series of scientific measurements, for example. Like so:
val results = Buffer(-2, 0, 10, -100, 50, 100, 5, -5, 2)results: Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(-2, 0, 10, -100, 50, 100, 5, -5, 2)
Let’s further assume that the negative numbers in our buffer indicate failed measurements and we wish to discard them.
It’s possible to define a subprogram that removes all negative numbers from any given
buffer. Indeed, a subprogram just like that has been defined for you in the Subprograms
module. It’s named removeNegatives
and works like this:
When you activate the subprogram, you must provide a parameter: a reference to a buffer that contains integers.
The subprogram modifies that buffer’s contents by removing any and all negative numbers.
Calling a subprogram
Instructing the computer to execute a particular subprogram is known as calling (kutsua) the subprogram (or invoking the subprogram; or applying it).
It’s easy to call removeNegatives
In our example, we have only a single parameter expression. Its value is a reference to the buffer we created earlier. This reference gets passed to the subprogram for it to make use of as it carries out its task.
This command that invokes removeNegatives
doesn’t itself have a value in the same
sense as, say, the expression 1 + 1
does. (Well, at least the command doesn’t have a
meaningful value; more on that later.) That’s why the REPL doesn’t respond with any
output. However, we can take a look at the value of the results
variable and verify
that the subprogram did indeed modify the buffer that the variable refers to:
resultsres0: Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(0, 10, 50, 100, 5, 2)
and other familiar subprograms
There’s something about the preceding example that must have felt a bit familiar. The
way we invoked removeNegatives
there is just like how you’ve already println
ed and
ed: first, the name of the command; then, a parenthesized parameter expression.
This isn’t a coincidence.
is a subprogram just like removeNegatives
is. It’s just that println
is a
general-purpose subprogram defined to be a part of Scala whereas removeNegatives
is an
example subprogram invented for the purposes of this one ebook chapter. Similarly, play
and show
from Chapter 1.3 are subprograms, too.
Now let’s take a look at a rather different sort of subprogram.
A Subprogram That Returns a Value
The same module contains a subprogram named average
, which has a simple purpose: you
pass two numbers to it as parameters, and it computes the average of those numbers.
This subprogram returns (palauttaa) a value:
average(5.0, 11.0)res2: Double = 8.0
You need to pass two numerical values to this subprogram. Separate the parameter expressions with a comma.
The invocation of average
is an expression; the expression’s
value is the average of two numbers, which is computed by the
subprogram. This value is called the subprogram’s return value
(paluuarvo). The REPL reports the value of the expression
as per usual.
Here are a few more examples of calling this subprogram. As shown in the examples, you can use a subprogram-calling expression as a component of a longer expression:
val first = average(5, 1) + 2.1first: Double = 5.1 val second = average(10.9, first) + average(-5, -10) - 1second: Double = -0.5 1 + average(second + 1, 1)res1: Double = 1.75
The parameter expressions of subprogram calls don’t have to be literals. They can be variable names or any other expressions that have a compatible data type.
Program State and How to Affect It
You’ll get to see many more examples of subprograms in just a moment, but first, let’s stop to consider the attributes of the subprograms that you’ve already seen.
This chapter has introduced two very different subprograms:
Calling the
subprogram instructs the computer to take care of a specific task. Such a call brings about changes in the state (tila) that the program has stored in the computer’s memory. We term such state-modifying subprograms effectful (vaikutuksellinen). An effectful subprogram doesn’t necessarily return any interesting value.Calling the
subprogram doesn’t bring about any lasting changes in the data stored in memory. We term such subprograms effect-free (vaikutukseton). In order to be useful to us, an effect-free subprogram must produce a meaningful return value, asaverage
We have also used the subprogram println
to output text. When a println
command is
executed, it has an effect on the world in the sense that the output visible onscreen
changes in an observable way. This is why we’ll place println
in the category of effectful
subprograms along with removeNegatives
. The subprograms play
and show
from Chapter 1.3
are similarly effectful.
That chapter also introduced circle
and rectangle
, which are subprograms too. These
subprograms, like average
, are effect-free. Just as average
merely computes and returns
a numerical value based on of the parameters that you give to it, circle
and rectangle
merely compute and return a picture based on the parameters they receive.
For any subprogram, you can ask: when you call the subprogram, does anything observably change? (We won’t count time passing or receiving a return value as a change.) The answer tells you whether the subprogram is effectful or effect-free.
Already at this early stage of O1, this classification illustrates that different subprograms can do some very different things. As we go on, you’ll see that this question has a profound significance in programming. One may even profit from programming in a way that relies exclusively on effect-free subprograms (Chapter 11.2). But let’s not get ahead of ourselves; right now, we can use the classification to illuminate a few basic terms and concepts.
An Important Term: Function
In a number of programming languages, it’s customary to call all subprograms functions (funktio), whether they are effectful or effect-free. Scala is one such language. In the rest of this ebook, the word “function” will show up often; we will use it to mean a subprogram.
The word probably sounds familiar, and there are reasons why that is so. However:
Watch out for math! (again)
Many beginner programmers have tripped over the concept of function because of the mismatch between what programmers and mathematicians mean by the word.
It’s true that effect-free functions resemble the functions from school mathematics. Given a mathematical function f(x), just determining its value for a particular x doesn’t change any stored data or output anything onscreen. Similarly, an effect-free function just takes in some parameter values and produces a result (a return value), and that’s it.
However, when you call a Scala function, it may generate output or otherwise affect program state. We must remember that our functions can be effectful!
Moreover, the functions that we use in programming, even effect-free ones, differ from familiar mathematical functions in that we don’t merely define a relation between inputs and outputs like f(x) = x + 1. Our functions also implement the step-by-step processes (algorithms) that compute the return values. The next chapter will illustrate this in detail.
Different kinds of functions, a summary
Here is a table of the kinds of functions we have just discussed. Some bits of text have been underlined; you can mouse over them to view additional explanations.
Does the function affect state? |
Does it return a value? |
The term we use in O1 |
Alternative terms |
Never |
Yes |
Effect-free function |
Function with no side effects |
No |
Empty function |
At least sometimes |
Yes |
Function with side effects, procedure |
No |
Library Functions from scala.math
The Scala language comes with a package named scala.math
, which provides us with a
selection of functions for common mathematical needs.
For example, the sqrt
function computes and returns the square root of a given number:
scala.math.sqrt(100)res2: Double = 10.0 scala.math.sqrt(25)res3: Double = 5.0
Here, we call the function using its fully qualified name, which
combines the package name scala.math
and the function’s own name
. (See below for how to simplify this code.)
This effect-free function does not impact on state. It only returns the result.
The same package also provides the functions max
and min
, which are useful in
many programs. These effect-free functions return the greater and lesser of their two
parameters, respectively:
scala.math.max(2, 10)res4: Int = 10 scala.math.max(15, -20)res5: Int = 15 scala.math.min(2, 10)res6: Int = 2 scala.math.min(15, -20)res7: Int = -20
In Chapter 1.1, we already touched on the concept of library (kirjasto): a selection of components that programmers can use in different projects. Scala’s mathematics package is an example of a library, and we can call functions such as the above library functions.
So. We managed to use those library functions, but it sure was unlovely that we had to write the package’s entire name in every function call. Fortunately, there is a cure for this verbosity. Let’s take a look at that before we return to more examples of functions.
Packages and the import
Code comes in packages
We’ve already mentioned a few packages of code in O1. For example:
We just used functions from the package
. (This package comes with the Scala installation.)In earlier chapters, we used tools such as
from a package namedo1
. (In IntelliJ, you can find its code in the O1Library module.)In Chapter 1.5, we mentioned that the
type is defined in a package namedscala.collection.mutable
. (That package, too, comes with Scala.)
There are a number of reasons why programmers divide their tools in packages. One of the
main ones is to avoid name clashes: when building a larger program as a collaborative
effort, or when using tools built by others, you easily end up with the same name being
used for different things in different places. In a different program, names such as
, show
, or min
might mean something other than what they mean in our example
A solution is to place the tools with the same name in different packages. Then we can use the package names to indicate which tool we use. A downside of this approach is that whenever we need tools from a package, we are obliged to ensure that the computer knows which package we mean. Repeatedly typing in the package name is tiresome and can make the code harder to read.
Accessing packages conveniently with import
We can let the computer know in advance which package we intend to use later:
import scala.math.sqrt
In practice, that import
command means this: “Wherever it says sqrt
below, it refers
to the sqrt
that’s defined in package scala.math
The import
command isn’t an expression and doesn’t have a value. The REPL doesn’t
acknowledge it with any output but does receive it nonetheless.
Having so trumpeted our intention, we can now call the function simply with the word
sqrt(100)res8: Double = 10.0 sqrt(25)res9: Double = 5.0
If we hadn’t entered the import
command first, we would have received this error message:
-- Error: |sqrt(100) |^^^^ |Not found: sqrt
If you get such an error when you program, first check that you have spelled the name
correctly and that you have remembered to import
Importing an entire package
Often we’ll want to use multiple different tools from the same package; for example,
we might want to use many functions from scala.math
We could type in a separate import
command for each of the functions we need. But
it’s often handier to import the package’s entire contents in one go:
import scala.math.*
You can think of that asterisk *
as meaning “everything”.
Now we can use any tool in the package with no hassle:
sqrt(100)res10: Double = 10.0 max(2, 10)res11: Int = 10 min(2, 10)res12: Int = 2
Student question: Do I waste memory if I import
with an asterisk?
No. An import
statement is there to put on record what some words
mean within a particular piece of code. For instance, import
indicates that the names min
, max
, sqrt
refer to functions in that package.
Yes, it’s true that the computer must hold the tools that you use
in memory, functions included. But in terms of a program’s runtime
memory usage, what matters is the tools you actually use, not the
commands that express your intention to use them.
When is import
not needed?
We needed an import
to use scala.math
conveniently. Later on, we’ll be import
from other packages as well. However, we’ve somehow managed without import
thus far,
despite using functions such as println
, play
, and show
and types such as Int
, and Buffer
. These functions and types have “simply worked”, even though they
too reside in various packages. Why did we not need to import
Firstly: You don’t need to import
the one package that is an inseparable part of Scala
and named simply scala
. This special package defines Int
, Double
, and String
for instance, the fully qualified name of Int
is scala.Int
. You can use any tools from
this package in all Scala programs.
Secondly: Our REPL environment is set up so that it automatically imports some packages
for you, so that you don’t need to start each REPL session by typing in a repetitive set
of standard import
s. More specifically, when you launch the REPL in one of O1’s course
modules, the following happens:
You get to use the package
as if you had started the session by typingimport o1.*
. This is why it’s easy to useplay
in the REPL. In some modules, the REPL willimport
some additional course packages (as shown in the REPL’s initial welcome message). For instance, when you launched the REPL in the Subprograms module, the packageso1
were both auto-imported.You get to use
s from packagescala.collection.mutable
as if you had imported them. We’ll use buffers a lot in O1’s early stages, so we wanted to save your fingers a bit.
If it happens that you do enter a superfluous import
, nothing terrible will happen, so
don’t worry. And if you forget a needed import
, you’ll get a not found error as shown
above and can fix the problem.
Student question: Name conflicts when import
What happens if I import
two packages that have
two functions with the same name, and then I then call
the function without the package name? Which function
does Scala pick, or does it pick neither?
If you do that, you get an error message complaining about the ambiguous name. Such naming conflicts are fairly common, especially if your program uses several libraries created by different programmers.
You can avoid many naming conflicts by not using the asterisk and
ing only those parts of each package that you need.
If you really need to use two functions with the same name, you can always use the functions’ full names, with the package name and the dots at the front:
scala.math.sqrt(30)res13: Double = 5.477225575051661 Int = 5
Another option is to import
one or both of the functions under a
different name. Here’s how:
import scala.math.{sqrt as myRootFunc}myRootFunc(100)res15: Double = 10.0
Now some more functions.
Function Parade
This section will take you through a whole cavalcade of example functions. This should demonstrate the variety of things that functions can do, while letting you practice reading program code that invokes functions.
We’ll use some of Scala’s library functions as well as a number of example functions created for O1.
More library functions for math
The sqrt
, max
, and min
functions from package scala.math
were introduced above.
The same package also provides other functions that instruct the computer to do math.
Examples of abs
(absolute value), pow
(power), and sin
(sine) are shown below. To
use them as shown, you’ll need to import them either individually or, as below, all at
import scala.math.*abs(-50)res16: Int = 50 pow(10, 3)res17: Double = 1000.0 sin(1)res18: Double = 0.8414709848078965
All those functions are effect-free. They only return values and don’t modify any data we’ve previously stored, or print or play or draw anything.
Try calling at least some of the functions in the REPL. You can also experiment with
these: cbrt
(cubic root), other trigonometric functions (cos
, atan
, etc.), floor
(rounds down), ceil
(rounds up), round
(rounds to closest), hypot
(hypotenuse of
two given legs), and log
and log10
(logarithms). For whole list of functions in the
package, see Scala’s documentation.
Now please don’t go off trying to memorize all these library functions, let alone all the
thousands of others out there, even though no doubt you’ll be needing some of them later
on. You can check the names later from the Scala documentation or this ebook. When it
happens, and it does happen, that a function is so frequently useful that you need it
repeatedly, you’ll end up remembering it without trying. (All that being said, here’s a
hint: you’ll find min
and max
repeatedly useful in the forthcoming chapters, so maybe
make a mental note of that.)
Practice on example functions
A function can make use of external resources such as files or networked computers. The
following example function (from package o1
) finds out which movie is in a particular
position in the all-time Top 250 according to the votes cast on the IMDb web site.
imdbMovie(3)res19: String = The Godfather: Part II imdbMovie(1)res20: String = The Shawshank Redemption
The example function works even if you don’t have a network connection, because it’s been
designed to take its information from the folder top_movies
that comes with the
Subprograms module. This also means that the movie info isn’t quite up to date.
(Reminder: that only works if you’ve launched your REPL in the Subprograms module.)

One more example
It’s perfectly possible to create a function that interacts with the user when it’s called.
Try out one such function, called playDoodads
. This function challenges you to a game
that lets the computer show off. It expects a single string parameter that represents the
player’s name; you can use your own first name, for instance.
(If your REPL seems “stuck”, with nothing else happening when you call playDoodads
it may be that the little game window has appeared behind one or more other windows. Try
minimizing the IntelliJ window at least, and you should be able to find the game window.)
Nested Function Calls
When you call a function, you write expressions to indicate which parameters you wish to pass in. On the other hand, a function call is itself an expression. So it makes sense that you can nest a function call within another:
When you would end up with lots of nested function calls, you may wish to reformat your code to make it easier to read. Variables are an excellent tool for this. For instance, the last line of code in the preceding animation could be replaced by these commands:
val fifthPower = pow(2, 5)fifthPower: Double = 32.0 val smaller = min(fifthPower, 100 - sqrt(100))smaller: Double = 32.0 println(abs(-5.5) + smaller)37.5
Or these:
val fifthPower = pow(2, 5)fifthPower: Double = 32.0 val difference = 100 - sqrt(100)difference: Double = 90.0 val smaller = min(fifthPower, difference)smaller: Double = 32.0 val finalResult = abs(-5.5) + smallerfinalResult: Double = 37.5 println(finalResult)37.5
When it comes to such matters of style, use your common sense. Consider, on a case-by-case basis, what you think is best in terms of clarity and brevity. In any case, you’ll need to get used to seeing code written in all these different styles, since programmers (and learners of programming) read a lot of code written by others.
Evaluation order in nested expressions
The Unit
Scala (and many other languages) feature a special value known as Unit
. This value
is used as the return value of functions that don’t return a value that represents
meaningful information. Such functions include println
and play
from before and
from this chapter. Technically, these functions also return a value,
though: a Unit
When we receive a return value of Unit
from a function, there’s practically nothing
that we can do with it. You can think of it as meaning this: “The function was executed
but nothing of significance was produced as a return value.” The removeNegatives
function, for instance, does modify the given buffer’s state but doesn’t produce an “output”
in the sense of a return value. For our practical purposes in O1, it’s okay to say that
means “no return value” and that functions such as println
and removeNegatives
“don’t return a value” or “return nothing”.
The Unit
value isn’t necessarily conspicuous in the program code that you’ll write, but
it isn’t just a curiosity either. If for no other reason, it’s good to be aware of Unit
because you’ll see it in error messages. For instance, 1 + println("mammoth")
begets a
message to the effect that you “can’t add one to Unit
”. Moreover, the word shows up
frequently in the documentation of Scala programs to indicate that a particular program
component has no significant return value.
in O1’s animations
return values haven’t appeared in the animations you’ve seen so far in this ebook.
But they will be shown in future animations, such as the tiny one below.
As the animation shows, println
returns a value, too, even if it’s one with no content:
Returning vs. Printing
Beginner programmers sometimes find it hard to discern just what the difference is between returning a value and printing a value. The REPL environment, useful as it is otherwise, may contribute to the confusion. So let’s take a moment to underline the difference:
Returning values is something that functions do in general. A function can communicate a value as a “response” to the party that calls the function.
A return value doesn’t necessarily get displayed anywhere.
It’s up to the code that calls a function to decide what it does with the return value that it receives in response; the calling code may, for instance, use the returned value as part of a calculation, or print it onscreen, or pass it as a parameter to
, or simply ignore it.Just returning a value from a function isn’t an “effect” on program state in the sense we’ve discussed earlier in this chapter.
By printing a value, we mean displaying text in the computer’s text console. In Scala, we accomplish this with the
command.The text to be printed can be determined by any expression, as in
andprintln(1 + 1)
.That expression can also be a function call, as in
println(average(10, 20))
. Then it’s the function’s return value that gets printed.Printing text onscreen is one of the things that we consider to be an effect on state.
Returning and printing in the REPL
The REPL evaluates whichever expression you type in. It then outputs a report of the
value of the expression without you explicitly telling it to. If the expression specifies
a function call, this means that the function gets called and a report of its return value
gets reported by the REPL. So, if you enter the expression max(3 + min(1, 4), 3)
, you’ll
see a printout that describes the return value of the max
function. However, min
return value of 1, which was used while evaluating the entire expression, does not get
If you use the REPL to call a function that returns Unit
, the REPL will simply discard
the contentless return value.
Returning and printing within the same function
You’ve already seen that println
not only prints something, it also returns a value,
albeit only the Unit
value. Nothing prevents programmers from defining functions that
both print text onscreen and return a value.
On Functions and Abstractions
Functions as tools
Some goals are easily reached because there is a tool available for them. For instance, if our goal is to compute the sine or square root of a particular number, we can simply call a library function to do that.
If we can’t find such a ready-made solution to our exact problem, we’ll form our own by
combining the tools that are available to us. If, for instance, we wish to find out the
volume of a sphere whose radius is 6371 km, we
can use arithmetic operators and the exponentiation function pow
import scala.math.pow4 * 3.14159 * pow(6371, 3) / 3res21: Double = 1.0832060019000126E12
Above, we evaluated a specific expression that contains specific numbers that gave us a specific result. But if we want to handle a variety of different cases — compute the volumes of various spheres of various sizes — it’s more practical to build a custom tool for that purpose. Perhaps our tool could work like this:
volumeOfSphere(6371)res22: Double = 1.0832060019000126E12 volumeOfSphere(1)res23: Double = 4.188786666666666
Benefits of custom functions
You just saw one reason why we might wish to create our own custom functions: when we have implemented a function that solves a particular, perhaps complex task, we can easily reuse the solution by calling the function. Moreover, writing functions helps programmers avoid reinventing the sphere: a function, once written, can be distributed for other programmers to use.
Functions also have a role in organizing program code into named components that are clearly delimited. This makes the code easier to understand and modify.
One more benefit arises from how a function hides within itself the implementation of
a particular solution, whose details are unnecessary for the function’s user to know.
As long as a programmer has access to a volumeOfSphere
function, they can use it even
without knowing the formula for calculating volumes. In this chapter, you yourself
have called various functions even though you couldn’t have implemented the functions
yourself, or even understood their implementation, given just what we’ve covered so far.
It’s been enough that you’re familiar with a few aspects of each function: what kinds
of parameters it expects, what effects (if any) it brings about, and what it returns.
In other words, functions are a form of abstraction (abstraktio) in programming.
Abstractions in programming
abstract: something that concentrates in itself the essential qualitiesof anything more extensive or more general; essence—a definition of “abstract” at
By abstracting, we can choose to ignore details and specific cases. For instance, the
function volumeOfSphere
represents the general, abstract algorithm for computing the
volume of any sphere.
Besides functions, you’ve already encountered other programming abstractions as well.
A variable is an abstraction: in the expression number + 1
, the name of the variable
is there to indicate that we wish to sum two values without concerning ourselves (at
that juncture) with what specific value might be stored in the variable number
Function parameters promote abstraction. Consider the function sin
, which takes a
parameter (as in sin(1)
). That function’s programmer didn’t cater to just one use
case of the function but to any and all possible parameter values. Consequently, the
function is more abstract and more generally useful than a variable sineOfOne
Programming revolves around the design, implementation, and use of abstractions. This is a theme that we’ll return to repeatedly (in Chapters 2.1 and 3.2, among others). Creating your own custom functions is something you’ll get to practice right away in the next chapter.
Summary of Key Points
A subprogram is an implementation of a specific piece of functionality. In many contexts, including O1, subprograms are known as functions.
A function can have an effect on program state or return a value (such as the result of a computation) or both.
Telling the computer to execute a function is known as calling or invoking the function. As you call a function, you may pass parameters to it.
Programming languages come with libraries that contain functions and other program components. Scala’s library contains a number of mathematical functions, among many other things.
Functions are one of several forms of abstraction in programming. Abstractions enable people to work on complex wholes and help eliminate repetitive labor.
is a special value that means, roughly, “no meaningful (return) value”.The
command comes in handy when you want to use the tools contained in a particular package.Our REPL environment does the most obvious imports automatically for you, but even in the REPL, you’ll sometimes need to import packages such as
Links to the glossary: function / subprogram; function call, parameter expression, return value; effect-free function, effectful function;
; library; abstraction.
Here’s the concept map from the previous chapter, newly adorned with functions:
Please note that this section must be completed individually. Even if you worked on this chapter with a pair, each of you should submit the form separately.
Thousands of students have given feedback and so contributed to this ebook’s design. Thank you!
The ebook’s chapters, programming assignments, and weekly bulletins have been written in Finnish and translated into English by Juha Sorva.
The appendices (glossary, Scala reference, FAQ, etc.) are by Juha Sorva unless otherwise specified on the page.
The automatic assessment of the assignments has been developed by: (in alphabetical order) Riku Autio, Nikolas Drosdek, Kaisa Ek, Joonatan Honkamaa, Antti Immonen, Jaakko Kantojärvi, Niklas Kröger, Kalle Laitinen, Teemu Lehtinen, Mikael Lenander, Ilona Ma, Jaakko Nakaza, Strasdosky Otewa, Timi Seppälä, Teemu Sirkiä, Anna Valldeoriola Cardó, and Aleksi Vartiainen.
The illustrations at the top of each chapter, and the similar drawings elsewhere in the ebook, are the work of Christina Lassheikki.
The animations that detail the execution Scala programs have been designed by Juha Sorva and Teemu Sirkiä. Teemu Sirkiä and Riku Autio did the technical implementation, relying on Teemu’s Jsvee and Kelmu toolkits.
The other diagrams and interactive presentations in the ebook are by Juha Sorva.
The O1Library software has been developed by Aleksi Lukkarinen and Juha Sorva. Several of its key components are built upon Aleksi’s SMCL library.
The pedagogy of using O1Library for simple graphical programming (such as Pic
) is
inspired by the textbooks How to Design Programs by Flatt, Felleisen, Findler, and
Krishnamurthi and Picturing Programs by Stephen Bloch.
The course platform A+ was originally created at Aalto’s LeTech research group as a student project. The open-source project is now shepherded by the Computer Science department’s edu-tech team and hosted by the department’s IT services. Markku Riekkinen is the current lead developer; dozens of Aalto students and others have also contributed.
The A+ Courses plugin, which supports A+ and O1 in IntelliJ IDEA, is another open-source project. It has been designed and implemented by various students in collaboration with O1’s teachers.
For O1’s current teaching staff, please see Chapter 1.1.
Additional credits for this page
This chapter does injustice to music by Neal Hefti, Mike Oldfield, and Dave Stewart. Thank you and sorry.
The command for calling the subprogram consists of the subprogram’s name and a parameter expression in round brackets.