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Chapter 5.5: Looping through Elements
About This Page
Questions Answered: How do I process a lot of data in one go? How do I repeat an operation on each of the elements in a collection?
Topics: Iterating over a collection with a for
loop. Implementing
algorithms by combining loops with local variables.
What Will I Do? Read and work on a few pocket-sized assignments. There will be more practice problems on these topics in the next chapter.
Rough Estimate of Workload:? A bit over an hour.
Points Available: A30.
Related Modules: AuctionHouse1, ForLoops (new).

Background for Example: Items Whose Price Changes
In Chapter 5.1, you hopefully wrote at least a FixedPriceSale
class that represents
items put up for sale at a set price. The same chapter also featured two optional
activities that tasked you to implement classes EnglishAuction
and DutchAuction
. In
this chapter, we’ll work with EnglishAuction
If you didn’t implement EnglishAuction
earlier, no problem. Much like a FixedPriceSale
object, an EnglishAuction
too represents an item put up for sale. An auction, too, has a
, a potential buyer
, and an advanceOneDay
method just like a FixedPriceSale
does. The difference is that in an EnglishAuction
, the item’ price goes up as potential
buyers place higher bids on it. That’s pretty much all you need to know about EnglishAuction
Still, if you have the time and inclination...
... go ahead and do the optional EnglishAuction
from Chapter 5.1 now or look at its solution below.
An implementation of EnglishAuction
class EnglishAuction(val description: String, val startingPrice: Int, duration: Int): private var highest = Bid(None, startingPrice) private var secondHighest = Bid(None, startingPrice) private var remainingDays = duration def daysLeft = this.remainingDays def advanceOneDay() = if this.isOpen then this.remainingDays -= 1 def isOpen = this.remainingDays > 0 def hasNoBids = this.highest.isInitialBid def isExpired = !this.isOpen && this.hasNoBids def buyer = this.highest.bidder def price = if this.secondHighest.isInitialBid this.startingPrice else min(this.secondHighest.limit + 1, this.highest.limit) def requiredBid = if this.hasNoBids then this.startingPrice else this.price + 1 def bid(bidder: String, amount: Int) = val newBid = Bid(Some(bidder), amount) if this.isOpen && amount >= this.requiredBid then this.secondHighest = if then this.highest else newBid.winner(this.secondHighest) this.highest = newBid.winner(this.highest) end if this.highest == newBid override def toString = this.description end EnglishAuctionThere’s a
method for placing a bid. It affects the item’s current price.The auxiliary class
comes in the AuctionHouse1 module. It’s used internally byEnglishAuction
and isn’t important for this chapter.
Chapter Goal: An AuctionHouse
So, let’s assume we have an existing EnglishAuction
class that represents individual
items. We’ll now look into implementing a class AuctionHouse
. The plan is that each
instance should represent a site that runs auctions and contains a number
of EnglishAuction
Here’s an outline for the class:
class AuctionHouse(val name: String):
private val items = Buffer[EnglishAuction]()
def addItem(item: EnglishAuction) =
this.items += item
def removeItem(item: EnglishAuction) =
this.items -= item
override def toString =
// We'll add more methods here.
end AuctionHouse
Each AuctionHouse
object has its own buffer that we can access
through the items
variable. We may add items to the buffer, and
we may remove them, too.
Suppose we’d now like to add the following methods:
a method that advances every auction in the auction house (i.e., calls
on everyEnglishAuction
object stored in theitems
buffer;a method for computing the total price of all auctions;
a method for computing the average price of all auctions;
a method for finding the auction with the highest current price;
a method for counting how many auctions are currently open; and
a method that produces all the auctions that a given buyer has won.
See below for examples of how these methods should work.
Usage examples
We should be able to create a new AuctionHouse
instance like this:
val house = AuctionHouse("ReBay")house: AuctionHouse = ReBay
The priciest
method should return the most expensive item. We’ll have it return None
in case the auction house contains no items, as is initially the case.
house.priciestres0: Option[EnglishAuction] = None
Let’s set up three auctions and use addItem
to add them to the auction house. Each
auction has a description, an initial price, and a duration in days.
val bag = EnglishAuction("A glorious handbag", 100, 14)bag: EnglishAuction = A glorious handbag house.addItem(bag)val camera = EnglishAuction("Nikon COOLPIX", 150, 3)camera: EnglishAuction = Nikon COOLPIX house.addItem(camera)house.addItem(EnglishAuction("Collectible Easter Bunny China Thimble", 1, 10))
As illustrated in the output below, calling nextDay
on the AuctionHouse
shortens the
remaining duration (daysLeft
) of both the bag and the camera (and indeed all the open
auctions in the auction house) by one.
println(bag.daysLeft + ", " + camera.daysLeft)14, 3 house.nextDay() house.nextDay() println(bag.daysLeft + ", " + camera.daysLeft)12, 1
and averagePrice
return some basic statistics:
house.totalPriceres1: Int = 251 house.averagePriceres2: Double = 83.66666666666667
As prospective buyers bid on items, the prices go up. This shows up in the statistics:"Olivia", 200)res3: Boolean = true"Mehdi", 170)res4: Boolean = false"Olivia", 190)res5: Boolean = true house.totalPriceres6: Int = 322
The bid
method places a bid on an item. Competing bids can raise
the price of an EnglishAuction
. (The exact bidding procedure is
irrelevant for present purposes; see class EnglishAuction
that. All you need to know here is that an item’s price can change
when bid
is called.)
An AuctionHouse
should know how to compute and return the updated
total price.
The bidding raised the bag’s price and it is now the item with with the highest current price:
house.priciestres7: Option[EnglishAuction] = Some(A glorious handbag)
All three auctions are still open but the camera has only one day left and will
close the next time we call nextDay
. This shows in how the AuctionHouse
responds when we ask it to count the open auctions:
house.numberOfOpenItemsres8: Int = 3 house.nextDay()house.numberOfOpenItemsres9: Int = 2
Finally, let’s see what items each of our two example buyers is about to receive:
house.purchasesOf("Olivia")res10: Vector[EnglishAuction] = Vector(A glorious handbag, Nikon COOLPIX) house.purchasesOf("Mehdi")res11: Vector[EnglishAuction] = Vector()
returns a vector that contains these auctions that the person has already
won (such as the camera, whose high bidder was Olivia when the item closed) as well as
any open auctions where the person is currently the high bidder (such as Olivia’s bag).
What do we need?
What do the AuctionHouse
methods have in common?
Each of the methods needs to work through all the items of the
, that is, all the elements in theitems
buffer.Each of the methods should repeat a particular operation multiple times, once per item.
Performing an operation on each element in a collection is an extremely common thing for a program to do. Nearly all interesting computer programs repeat operations, one way or another.
In this chapter, you’ll learn to use a Scala command that enables you to do just that.
We’ll use this command to implement the AuctionHouse
methods one by one.
Implementing nextDay
Let’s sketch out nextDay
def nextDay() = For each of the elements in this auction house’s list of items in turn, do this: - Call advanceOneDay on the item.
A refined pseudocode:
def nextDay() = For each of the elements in this auction house’s list of items in turn, do this: - Take that element (i.e., a reference to auction being processed) and store it in a local variable. - Call advanceOneDay on that element.
Refining further we get:
def nextDay() = For each of the elements in this.items in turn, do this: - Store the element in a most-recent holder named, say, current. - Execute current.advanceOneDay().
Even though this is just pseudocode, the animation illustrates how the same section of
the program gets executed multiple times: a so-called loop (silmukka) forms within
the method and repeats a particular operation. During each loop cycle, a new current
variable with a new value is created as the loop iterates over the collection’s elements.
From pseudocode to Scala
Here’s one way to implement nextDay
. This implementation works exactly as
illustrated in the animation above.
def nextDay() =
for current <- this.items do
The keywords for
and do
define a loop like this.
You can read the beginning as “for each item current
, do”.
We choose a name for our variable; here we’ve chosen to name
it current
. This name refers to a different element during
each iteration of the loop. The elements are fetched from a
collection that...
... we specify using a left-pointing arrow <-
The loop body will be executed once per element in this.items
The body is indented further right in the usual fashion.
You may write an end marker on the loop. In most cases, people
prefer to leave them out, but when a method is a bit complicated,
an end marker may clarify it. Feel free to write end for
every loop if you prefer.
The structure of a for
Here’s a more generic pseudocode for performing an operation on every element of a collection:
for variable <- collectionOfElements do Do something with the element stored in the variable. end for // This last line is optional.
A for
loop contains a variable definition; the variable stores the element being
currently processed, and therefore has the role of a most-recent holder.
You can loop over any collection, such as a buffer (as in our first example above), a vector, a string (Chapter 5.6), an array (Chapter 12.1), a lazy-list (Chapter 7.2), or a map (Chapter 9.2).
When you apply a for
loop to a numerically indexed collection such as a buffer or
a vector, as we did above, the loop traverses the elements in order, from index zero
On the Roles of Variables
In Chapter 2.6, we noted that variables can be classified by the role they have in the program.

That earlier chapter featured examples of what we labeled most-recent holders. For
example, we replaced the value of an employee’s instance variable name
with a new
one so that only the most recently assigned name remained in memory:
class Employee(var name: String, val yearOfBirth: Int, var monthlySalary: Double):
// ...
end Employee
In this chapter, we just used a local variable (current
) that we also called a
most-recent holder, despite this variable appearing in a completely different sort of
context than name
for current <- this.items do
Outwardly, these two variables have little in common, but their purpose is similar in one sense. In both cases, we use the variable to store the latest in a sequence of data items: in one case, it’s the latest name assigned to the object; in the other, it’s the latest auction object that we’ve picked out for processing. The main reason why the two examples look so different is that one of our variables is an instance variable and the other is a local variable within a method. Each example illustrates a typical scenario where a most-recent holder comes in useful:
A “settable property of an object” such as
is a typical way to use an instance variable as a most-recent holder. An instance variable makes sense when we need to store the variable’s value as part of the object even between method calls.A “latest value to be processed in a loop” such as
is a typical way to use a local variable as a most-recent holder. A local variable makes sense when we need the most recent value only to make a particular method work right.
You’ve already seen a number of different roles for instance variables. The same roles
will also turn out to be useful for local variables as we use loops to implement methods.
You’re about see that for yourself as we implement the other methods of class AuctionHouse
A Local Gatherer + A Loop
Implementing totalPrice
Here is a pseudocode sketch of totalPrice
def totalPrice = For each of the auctions in this.items in turn, do this: - Determine the current price of the item and add it to the sum. Finally, return the sum.
What local variables do we need?
A most-recent holder (of type
) that stores the current element (auction), just like the one we used innextDay
.A gatherer (of type
) that tallies up the gradually increasing sum of prices.
Let’s refine our pseudocode.
def totalPrice = Let totalSoFar be a gatherer whose value is initially zero. For each of the auctions in this.items in turn, do this: - Determine the current price of the item and increment totalSoFar by that amount. Finally, return the value of the gatherer totalSoFar.
The same in Scala:
def totalPrice =
var totalSoFar = 0
for current <- this.items do
totalSoFar += current.price
Was that strictly necessary? We wouldn’t have even needed a loop if we had done this instead:
class AuctionHouse(val name: String):
private val items = Buffer[EnglishAuction]()
private var priceSoFar = 0
def addItem(item: EnglishAuction) =
this.items += item
this.priceSoFar += item.price
def removeItem(item: EnglishAuction) =
this.items -= item
this.priceSoFar -= item.price
def totalPrice = this.priceSoFar
end AuctionHouse
In this solution, our gatherer is an instance variable: the
total price of items is stored as part of every AuctionHouse
We update the gatherer as we add an auction to the auction house or remove one.
has a very simple implementation.
Does the above implementation work, too? Answer the question for yourself by considering the following code
val house = AuctionHouse("")
val item = EnglishAuction("TV", 5000, 10)
println(house.totalPrice)"Karen", 10000)"Richard", 15000)
If you can’t locate the problem, send a note through the end-of-chapter feedback form and we’ll discuss it in one of the weekly bulletins.
Implementing averagePrice
The averaging method is trivial to implement now that we have a summing method:
def averagePrice = this.totalPrice.toDouble / this.items.size
A Local Stepper + A Loop (feat. if
Here is numberOfOpenItems
in pseudocode:
def numberOfOpenItems = For each of the auctions in this.items in turn, do this: - If the auction is open, increment a counter by one. Finally, return the counter’s value.
This refined pseudocode uses a variable as a stepper:
def numberOfOpenItems = Let openCount be a stepper that starts at 0 and increases by one at a time. For each of the auctions in this.items in turn, do this: - Store the auction in a most-recent holder named current. - If isOpen returns true on the auction, increment openCount. Finally, return the value in openCount.
A+ presents the exercise submission form here.
A Local Container + A Loop
We want purchasesOf
to return a vector containing the given buyer’s purchases, by which
we mean the items that the given buyer either has already bought or is currently the high
bidder for.
Here’s a sketch:
def purchasesOf(buyer: String) = Create a new, empty buffer and a variable purchases that refers to it. For each of the itemin this.items in turn, do this: - If the item’s been bought by the given buyer, add the item to purchases. Finally, return a vector that contains the elements collected in purchases.
A+ presents the exercise submission form here.
Why just EnglishAuction
What if we want our AuctionHouse
to contain not just EnglishAuction
but FixedPriceSale
s and DutchAuction
s, too? We can’t put them in
a Buffer[EnglishAuction]
, which is the type of items
and purchases
It would be nice to have a buffer that contains items put up for sale in all sorts of ways. We could then have the methods operate on this mix of items. Can we do that?
Yes, we can. We’ll need some tools from Chapter 7.3, though, after which you get to create a new, better AuctionHouse.
A Local Most-Wanted Holder + A Loop
Here is a pseudocode implementation for priciest
def priciest = Initially, the priciest auction we’ve found is the first element in this.items. For each of the auctions in this.items in turn, do this: - Compare the auction with the priciest one we found so far and record which is the pricier of the two. Finally return the auction that we’ve recorded as being the priciest.
What local variables do we need?
A most-recent holder (of type
) that stores the current element (auction).A most-wanted holder (also of type
) that stores the priciest auction that we’ve encountered so far.
This refined pseudocode uses those local variables:
def priciest = Let priciestSoFar be a most-wanted holder with an initial value of this.items.head. For each of the auctions in this.items in turn, do this: 1. Store the auction in a most-recent holder named current. 2. Determine whether current is more expensive than priciestSoFar. If it is: - Replace the old value of priciestSoFar with current. Finally, return the value that ended up in priciestSoFar.
And here’s the Scala equivalent:
def priciest =
var priciestSoFar = this.items.head
for current <- this.items do
if current.price > priciestSoFar.price then
priciestSoFar = current
What did we just forget?
Earlier, we specified that this method should return an Option[EnglishAuction]
and not
fail even if the auction house contains zero items. Instead, what we have here is a return
value of EnglishAuction
and a method that crashes if items
is empty (since there is
no value at index zero). This is analogous to the problem we had in Chapter 4.2 when we
first used a most-wanted holder: we wrote addExperience
but failed to account for the
scenario where the category did not yet have any previous favorite experience.
Let’s fix the method. One way to do that is to handle the problem case separately with an
def priciest =
if this.items.isEmpty then
var priciestSoFar = this.items.head
for current <- this.items do
if current.price > priciestSoFar.price then
priciestSoFar = current
We return None
if there’s nothing to loop over.
Otherwise, we can do what we did before, since we’re sure to have at least one element in the buffer.
We wrap the result in a Some
Not quite satisfied?
In this implementation, priciestSoFar
and current
refer to
the same object when the loop body is executed for the first time.
There is no point in comparing the first item with itself. In
practice, our solution works fine, but it does feel a bit unclean.
You may wish to keep this problem in mind as we move to later chapters. There are various ways of implementing this method, and some of them avoid the unnecessary first comparison.
What about our old Category
In Chapter 4.3, we wrote several implementations of Category
. Like this one:
class Category(val name: String, val unit: String):
private val experiences = Buffer[Experience]()
private var fave: Option[Experience] = None
def favorite = this.fave
def addExperience(newExperience: Experience) =
this.experiences += newExperience
this.fave match
case None =>
this.fave = Some(newExperience)
case Some(oldFave) =>
val newFave = newExperience.chooseBetter(oldFave)
this.fave = Some(newFave)
end Category
We can apply the ideas that we just used in priciest
to Category
as well. We’ll still
use a most-wanted-holder, but instead of it being an instance variable, we’ll make it a
local variable and add a for
class Category(val name: String, val unit: String):
private val experiences = Buffer[Experience]()
def favorite =
if this.experiences.isEmpty then
var fave = this.experiences(0)
for current <- this.experiences do
fave = current.chooseBetter(fave)
def addExperience(newExperience: Experience) =
this.experiences += newExperience
end Category
This alternative solution works, too.
Comparing the solutions
Since both solutions work but have their own strengths and weaknesses, we have an opportunity to discuss some quality criteria for assessing programs.
Criterion |
Solution with |
Solution with local |
Intuitiveness |
It is natural to think of “favorite experience“ as a property of category objects. |
It is also natural to think of favorites
as something that is determined by a
Ease of implementation |
Speed (of execution by computer) |
The program is, in principle, faster, at
least if there are a lot of experiences
and |
The computer goes through all the elements
in the buffer whenever |
Memory usage |
Each category object takes up a small amount of additional memory to store a reference to the favorite object. (However, this has no practical significance whatsoever in this application.) |
Only what is needed is stored in memory, as part of the category objects. The favorite experience can be obtained by searching through the buffer. |
Readability and modifiability of code |
Code that deals with favorite experiences
appears in several places: the instance
variables, the |
All the code that deals with favorite
experiences is within |
As far as this program is concerned, there is little to choose between the alternative approaches, but the loop-based solution edges it. Readability and modifiability are important!
Practice on Loops
Loop-reading practice
Loop-writing practice
Open the ForLoops module and its o1.looptest
package. You’ll find task1.scala
. Read
the code and rewrite it so that the program produces precisely the same output as before
but uses a for
loop to do so. Your program should be substantially shorter than the
given one.
A+ presents the exercise submission form here.
Abstraction, again
A loop is an abstraction, too. In the above task, you took the given, specific lines of code and generalized them into a more generic solution.
More code: loops and variables
Summary of Key Points
You can use a
loop to repeat one or more commands on each element in a collection.You can use a
loop and local variables in different combinations.Links to the glossary: loop,
loop, iteration; collection; role.
Please note that this section must be completed individually. Even if you worked on this chapter with a pair, each of you should submit the form separately.
Thousands of students have given feedback and so contributed to this ebook’s design. Thank you!
The ebook’s chapters, programming assignments, and weekly bulletins have been written in Finnish and translated into English by Juha Sorva.
The appendices (glossary, Scala reference, FAQ, etc.) are by Juha Sorva unless otherwise specified on the page.
The automatic assessment of the assignments has been developed by: (in alphabetical order) Riku Autio, Nikolas Drosdek, Joonatan Honkamaa, Antti Immonen, Jaakko Kantojärvi, Niklas Kröger, Kalle Laitinen, Teemu Lehtinen, Jaakko Nakaza, Strasdosky Otewa, Timi Seppälä, Teemu Sirkiä, Anna Valldeoriola Cardó, and Aleksi Vartiainen.
The illustrations at the top of each chapter, and the similar drawings elsewhere in the ebook, are the work of Christina Lassheikki.
The animations that detail the execution Scala programs have been designed by Juha Sorva and Teemu Sirkiä. Teemu Sirkiä and Riku Autio did the technical implementation, relying on Teemu’s Jsvee and Kelmu toolkits.
The other diagrams and interactive presentations in the ebook are by Juha Sorva.
The O1Library software has been developed by Aleksi Lukkarinen and Juha Sorva. Several of its key components are built upon Aleksi’s SMCL library.
The pedagogy of using O1Library for simple graphical programming (such as Pic
) is
inspired by the textbooks How to Design Programs by Flatt, Felleisen, Findler, and
Krishnamurthi and Picturing Programs by Stephen Bloch.
The course platform A+ was originally created at Aalto’s LeTech research group as a student project. The open-source project is now shepherded by the Computer Science department’s edu-tech team and hosted by the department’s IT services. Markku Riekkinen is the current lead developer; dozens of Aalto students and others have also contributed.
The A+ Courses plugin, which supports A+ and O1 in IntelliJ IDEA, is another open-source project. It has been designed and implemented by various students in collaboration with O1’s teachers.
For O1’s current teaching staff, please see Chapter 1.1.
Additional credits appear at the ends of some chapters.
For this chapter, the relevant bit is that an item’s price isn’t fixed but determined by the bids that have been placed on the item.