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Assignment 20

This assignment is entirely voluntary, just like all the other training/challenge assignments in gray-bordered boxes like this are. You’ll run into them here and there in upcoming chapters. A+ nominally awards you a single point for each bonus assignment completed, but that doesn’t count towards your grade; only A/B/C points do.

1 point

Let’s make an animation.

Define some variables as follows.

val sizeOfLamp = 250
val redLamp    = circle(sizeOfLamp, Red)
val yellowLamp = circle(sizeOfLamp, Yellow)
val greenLamp  = circle(sizeOfLamp, Green)
val trafficLights = Buffer(redLamp, yellowLamp, greenLamp)

Package o1 provides an effectful function animate that displays a number of images one after another, thus turning them into an animation. The function expects two parameters:

  • a bufferful of pictures; and

  • a positive number (Double), that determines the speed of the animation. A larger number results in a faster animation.

Experiment with animate. In the field below, enter a command that animates the contents of the buffer that the variable trafficLights. Use the speed 1.0. If you want, go ahead and come up with other things to animate.

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Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 18:00
Late submission deadline
Saturday, 15 April 2023, 12:00 (-100%)
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