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Chapter 3.3: Experiences and Truths
About This Page
Questions Answered: What are GoodStuff’s classes like? How do I compare values with one another? How do I express whether a number is greater than another or similar “yes or no” information? How can I make my flappy bug smash against an obstacle?
Topics: Truth values, the Boolean
data type, relational operators.
What Will I Do? Read and try things out yourself.
Rough Estimate of Workload:? Two hours or so.
Points Available: A70.
Related Modules: GoodStuff, IntroOOP, Odds, FlappyBug. Miscellaneous (new) features in one optional assignment.

Recap: GoodStuff
Chapter 2.1 showed how the classes of our running example, GoodStuff, work together. Before we discuss the example further, it might be a good idea to review that graphical presentation. Here it is again:
The Components of GoodStuff
In this chapter, we’ll begin exploring the Scala code that implements GoodStuff. It has the following components.

GoodStuff’s user interface. The grin-face marks the experience that the user has rated highest.
Package o1.goodstuff
- Class
represents entries in the diary, which describe the user’s experiences; each instance of the class corresponds to one such entry. We’ll inspect this class in this chapter and the next. - Class
can be used to group multiple comparable experiences together. Each category has a name and a pricing unit (e.g., hotel experiences are priced per night). A category object also keeps track of the user’s favorite experience within that category. We’ll inspect this class in Chapters 4.2 and 4.3.
Package o1.goodstuff.gui
is a class for representing a particular sort of GUI windows. The GoodStuff application, as given, features just a single window for hotel experiences, but in principle there could be more windows of this type. The window has been implemented using the Swing GUI library (Chapter 12.3).GoodStuff
is an app object (Chapter 2.7). It’s defined inGoodStuff.scala
, which is the file that you’ve used to run the program in IntelliJ.
Now, let’s look at Experience
. As we do so, it will soon become apparent that we need
to learn about a new basic data type available in Scala and the more general programming
concepts associated with that type.
Read the documentation!
Locate the Scaladoc documentation for class Experience
within the GoodStuff module in IntelliJ or through the module
link at the top of this page. Read the Scaladocs. Continue only
after you’ve read them.
You don’t need to look at the documentation of the module’s other classes now.
Experimenting with Experience
Let’s try working with Experience
objects in the REPL. To instantiate class Experience
we need to pass in a name, a description, a price, and a rating. In the given version of
the full app, those attributes were associated with hotel experiences, but that’s just one
of many possible uses of the class. For a change, let’s create objects that correspond to
wine experiences:
val wine1 = new Experience("Il Barco 2001", "okay", 6.69, 5)wine1: o1.goodstuff.Experience = o1.goodstuff.Experience@a62427
The class can be used as described in its Scaladocs. Here are a couple of examples:
wine1.nameres0: String = Il Barco 2001 wine1.valueForMoneyres1: Double = 0.7473841554559043
In order for GoodStuff to figure out the favorite experience within a category, it needs
to compare experiences by their ratings. Two of the methods in class Experience
relevant here: isBetterThan
and chooseBetter
. Understanding the former will help you
understand the latter, so that’s where we’ll start. Let’s try calling isBetterThan
and get back to chooseBetter
in the next chapter.
val wine2 = new Experience("Tollo Rosso", "not great", 6.19, 3)wine2: o1.goodstuff.Experience = o1.goodstuff.Experience@140b3c7 wine2.isBetterThan(wine1)res2: Boolean = false
mean, exactly? And what is its data type,
?Truth Values and the Boolean
It’s extremely common for programs to deal with dualities: Is this number larger than
that one? Can we find a particular person among the customers recorded in the program?
Has the user ticked a particular box in the GUI? Did the player choose black or white
pieces? Was the Shift
key held down while the mouse was clicked? Has the ladybug
crashed against an obstacle?
What we need is a way to represent the truth values of propositions. More specifically, we’ll use Boolean logic (Boolen logiikka), which employs precisely two truth values: true and false.
, the data type
The Scala literals true
and false
represent “truth” and “untruth”. These two literals
are reserved words in Scala, which means you can’t use them as names for variables or
other program components.
Scala’s data type for truth values is called Boolean
. This type is defined in package
and is therefore always available in all Scala programs just like Int
val popeIsCatholic = truepopeIsCatholic: Boolean = true val earthIsFlat = falseearthIsFlat: Boolean = false
Apart from true
and false
, no other values of type Boolean
exist. (Compare: there
are countless different strings and numbers.)
A Boolean literal alone forms an expression, too. The value of the expression is the truth value indicated by the literal:
falseres3: Boolean = false
Is a separate Boolean
type necessary?
Could we just make isBetterThan
return the string "yes"
instead of a Boolean
value? Or a number: we could decide,
for example, that a return value of zero means “untrue” and any
other number means “true”?
In principle, yes. And in practice, too, the latter suggestion is
used in some programming languages. However, Scala, like many other
languages, provides a custom data type for truth values. Custom
data types help us write code that’s easier to understand; it also
helps our programming tools check for errors automatically and
produce better error messages. For instance, we can count on a
variable always storing true
or false
and nothing
Using Boolean
You can use truth values just like you’ve used values of other types: you can store them in variables, pass them as parameters, and return them from methods:
println("The truth is " + popeIsCatholic)The truth is true val secondPreferred = wine2.isBetterThan(wine1)secondPreferred: Boolean = false val betterThanItself = wine2.isBetterThan(wine2)betterThanItself: Boolean = false
Numbers and strings are associated with operators such as +
. One of the operators
available on Boolean
s is !
. You can read this exclamation-mark operator as “not”.
What it does is “flip” the truth value written after it, turning false
to true
the other way around. Here’s an example:
!secondPreferredres4: Boolean = true
As reported by the REPL, the value of the entire expression !secondPreferred
is true
Note that evaluating the expression has no effect whatsoever on the variable, which
continues to store false
Writing truth values as literals isn’t the only way to use them:
Relational Operators
Scala’s relational operators (vertailuoperaattori) form expressions that compare the values of their subexpressions.
Operator | Meaning |
> |
is greater than |
< |
is less than |
>= |
is greater than or equal to |
<= |
is less than or equal to |
== |
equals |
!= |
does not equal |
Two of the operators are written <=
and >=
. They’re not written =<
or =>
latter of which means something completely different in Scala; we’ll discuss that later).
A mnemonic: write the symbols in the order you read them: less than (<
) or equal to (=
Comparing numbers
The relational operators produce Boolean
10 <= 10res5: Boolean = true 20 < (10 + 10)res6: Boolean = false val age = 20age: Int = 20 val isAdult = age >= 18isAdult: Boolean = true age == 30res7: Boolean = false 20 != ageres8: Boolean = false
The animation below features Boolean values. Can you work out what the code will print out even without first watching the animation?
Different kinds of comparisons
Take a moment to experiment with Boolean values and relational operators in the REPL.
Try applying the operators to values other than numbers. You can compare strings
much like you can compare numbers, for instance. You can also compare Boolean
s with
each other.
Once you’ve tried a few comparisons in the REPL, proceed to the assignments below.
Practice on relational operators
From this chapter onwards, we’ll be using truth values and comparison operators all the time. The sooner you become fluent in their use, the better, so that you don’t have to waste your mental resources thinking about these basic constructs as you work on increasingly complex programs.
To help you build that fluency, there’s a pile of tiny practice tasks below. Try and work out the answers in your head and experiment in the REPL. Don’t just guess at random or just copy every answer from the REPL. Try to understand each answer and use the REPL to check your thinking.
Mini-assignment: portraits
A picture can be shaped like a portrait or a landscape. A portrait’s height is greater than its width, while a landscape’s height is less than its width.
Fetch module Miscellaneous. Ignore the rest of it for now; just locate the file
. In that file, write an effect-free function that:
- has the name
; - takes a single parameter of type
; and - returns
if the given image is taller than it’s wide andfalse
otherwise (i.e., if square or in landscape orientation).
A+ presents the exercise submission form here.
On object equality
You can use the operators ==
and !=
to check whether two objects are equal. But what
exactly does equality mean in the case of, say, experience objects?
Explore the question in the REPL as you answer the following question. (Launch the REPL in the GoodStuff module.)
As you see: the fact that two experience objects have identical values for their attributes isn’t sufficient to make them “equal”.
In these examples, we used the ==
operator to compare the contents of two variables —
that is, to compare the references stored in two variables. Those operations don’t actually
compare what the objects are like at all. For example, wine1 == wine4
is false
, since
what we have there isn’t two references to the same object but two references to two
identical but distinct objects. On the other hand, wine1 == wine3
is true
, because
both variables contain a reference to the one and same object; the references lead to the
same place.
Adjusting equality
Specific classes may redefine equality so that it depends on a particular attribute. We might define, for instance, that two person objects are equal to each other if they have the same social security number. (Now’s not the time to go into that, though.)
More generally, how equality works on objects depends on the objects’ types. When we
write a class of our own, the default is identity comparison as shown for class Experience
above. On the other hand, many of the types in the standard Scala API have their own
type-specific definitions of equality. Buffers are a good example: two buffers are equal
if they have identical contents. The following REPL session illustrates this:
val someBuffer = Buffer(2, 10, 5, 4)someBuffer: Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(2, 10, 5, 4) val anotherBuffer = Buffer(2, 10, 5)anotherBuffer: Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(2, 10, 5) someBuffer == anotherBufferres9: Boolean = false anotherBuffer += 4res10: Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(2, 10, 5, 4) someBuffer == anotherBufferres11: Boolean = true
Implementing Class Experience
Armed with relational operators, we’re now ready to implement class Experience
. Let’s
begin with a pseudocode sketch:
class Experience(as constructor parameters, require a name, a description, a price,
and a rating; store all four in fixed-valued instance variables) {
def valueForMoney = return the ratio of your rating to your price
def isBetterThan(another: Experience) = return a truth value that indicates whether
your own rating is higher than that of the
experience object you received as a parameter
object. The word another
has no special significance beyond
being the parameter variable’s programmer-chosen name. In
this respect, this method greatly resembles the methods xDiff
and yDiff
from class Pos
(Chapter 2.5). Those methods, too,
operated on two instances of the same class: this
and another
instance indicated by the parameter.Here is a Scala implementation:
class Experience(val name: String, val description: String, val price: Double, val rating: Int) {
def valueForMoney = this.rating / this.price
def isBetterThan(another: Experience) = this.rating > another.rating
.Mini-Assignment: A Boolean
Instance Variable
Recall the classes Customer
and Order
from earlier chapters:
val testCustomer = new Customer("T. Tester", 12345, "", "Testitie 1, 00100 Testaamo, Finland")testCustomer: o1.Customer = o1.Customer@a7de1d val exampleOrder = new Order(10001, testCustomer)exampleOrder: o1.Order = o1.Order@18c6974
Task description
Some object attributes can be conveniently expressed as Boolean
s. For example, we
might wish to record whether or not express delivery has been requested for an order.
We can represent that information as a variable isExpress
on order objects:
exampleOrder.isExpressres12: Boolean = false exampleOrder.isExpress = true
Add this instance variable to class Order
within the IntroOOP module. The variable’s
value should be initially false
, but you should be able to adjust the value by assigning
a new value to the variable as shown above.
A+ presents the exercise submission form here.
Assignment: Odds (Part 6 of 9)
We can use the newly introduced Boolean
data type to extend Odds, a program that we
last worked with in Chapter 2.7.
(If you didn’t do the Odds assignments then, and don’t want to do them now, you can build on the example solutions. See the in-chapter submit forms for links.)
Task description
Write a method isLikely
that determines if the event represented by an Odds
object is
likely or not. We’ll say that an event is likely if the Odds
of it occurring are greater
than those of it not occurring. For instance, rolling a six on a die isn’t likely, but
rolling “anything but a six” is:
val rollingSix = new Odds(5, 1)rollingSix: Odds = o1.odds.Odds@d4c0c4 val notRollingSix = new Odds(1, 5)notRollingSix: Odds = o1.odds.Odds@a5e42e rollingSix.isLikelyres13: Boolean = false notRollingSix.isLikelyres14: Boolean = true
Also add a method isLikelierThan
that determines if one event is more likely than
rollingSix.isLikelierThan(notRollingSix)res15: Boolean = false notRollingSix.isLikelierThan(rollingSix)res16: Boolean = true rollingSix.isLikelierThan(rollingSix)res17: Boolean = false
Instructions and hints
- Add the methods to
. - You can use the app object
to test your methods. This small program has been provided for you but its contents have been “commented out” so that you don’t get error messages about the missing methodsisLikely
before you’ve implemented them. Once you’ve written the two methods in classOdds
, uncomment the code inOddsTest2
, then run the program. - As with
, which we used in Chapter 2.7, the plan is forOddsTest2
to invoke the methods of classOdds
. Don’t copy any methods or variables fromOdds
into the test program.
A+ presents the exercise submission form here.
Assignment: FlappyBug (Part 11 of 17: Game Over)
While experimenting with FlappyBug, you are sure to have noticed that the obstacle utterly fails to obstruct the bug’s movements. Let’s make the game end as soon as an obstacle touches the bug.
Preparation: the isDone
method on View
This example program from Chapter 3.1 displays a circle whose size grows with each click by the user.
object ClickApp extends App {
val clickCounter = new Counter(5)
val background = rectangle(500, 500, Black)
val gui = new View(clickCounter) {
def makePic =, White), new Pos(100, 100))
override def onClick(locationOfClick: Pos) = {
println("Click detected at " + locationOfClick + "; " + clickCounter)
You can define an isDone
method on a View
object. This method determines when the view
stops handling clicks, ticks, and other GUI events:
object ClickAppThatStops extends App {
val clickCounter = new Counter(5)
val background = rectangle(500, 500, Black)
val gui = new View(clickCounter) {
def makePic =, White), new Pos(100, 100))
override def onClick(locationOfClick: Pos) = {
println("Click detected at " + locationOfClick + "; " + clickCounter)
override def isDone = clickCounter.value > 10
returns a Boolean
that indicates whether the view
is “done”, that is, whether the GUI can stop handling events.
In this example, the GUI stops when the counter’s value exceeds
and therefore never stops the GUI. Hence the
modifier (Chapter 3.1).Each View
calls its isDone
method after each tick or other event to check whether
it should stop. Adjusting the frequency of those checks is possible (only) indirectly
by setting the view’s tick rate (Chapter 3.1).
Task description
Do three things:
- In class
, define a method that checks whether the obstacle is touching a bug. - Use that method to define a method in class
that checks whether the player has collided with an obstacle and therefore lost the game. - In
, add anisDone
method that ensures the GUI stops when the game is over.
Here are the steps in more detail:
In class
, write an effect-free methodtouches
that checks whether or not the obstacle is currently located where a bug is.- It receives a reference to a
object as its only parameter. - It returns a
value. - It determines the distance between the
obstacle in question (
) and the given bug. The return value depends on this distance: the method returnstrue
if and only if the distance is less than the sum of theradius
es of the bug and the obstacle; otherwise, it returnsfalse
. - It computes the distance along a straight
line between the centers of the bug and the
obstacle. You can use the
method from classPos
(Chapter 2.5).
- It receives a reference to a
In class
, add anisLost
method that checks whether the player has lost the game. The game is lost precisely when the obstacle touches the bug:def isLost = this.obstacle.touches(this.bug)
Add an
method to the GUI view inFlappyBugApp
. It should returntrue
if the player has lost andfalse
otherwise. In practice, the game should stop when the bug collides with an obstacle.- See the
method ofClickAppThatStops
, above, for a template. A singleisLost
call will do for a method body.
- See the
A+ presents the exercise submission form here.
Summary of Key Points
- When a program needs to know “yes or no?”, it’s often convenient to use the truth values of Boolean logic: true and false. Many programming languages provide a data type for this purpose.
- There are exactly two different values of type
are available as literals in Scala. - Relational operators yield Boolean values. You can use these operators to compare two values; you might check whether one number is smaller than another, for example.
- What makes two objects count as equal depends on the data type. For some objects, equality is determined by comparing object identities, for others, by comparing one or more of the objects’ attributes.
- Links to the glossary: truth value, Boolean, relational operator.
Please note that this section must be completed individually. Even if you worked on this chapter with a pair, each of you should submit the form separately.
Thousands of students have given feedback that has contributed to this ebook’s design. Thank you!
The ebook’s chapters, programming assignments, and weekly bulletins have been written in Finnish and translated into English by Juha Sorva.
The appendices (glossary, Scala reference, FAQ, etc.) are by Juha Sorva unless otherwise specified on the page.
The automatic assessment of the assignments has been developed by: (in alphabetical order) Riku Autio, Nikolas Drosdek, Joonatan Honkamaa, Jaakko Kantojärvi, Niklas Kröger, Teemu Lehtinen, Strasdosky Otewa, Timi Seppälä, Teemu Sirkiä, and Aleksi Vartiainen.
The illustrations at the top of each chapter, and the similar drawings elsewhere in the ebook, are the work of Christina Lassheikki.
The animations that detail the execution Scala programs have been designed by Juha Sorva and Teemu Sirkiä. Teemu Sirkiä and Riku Autio did the technical implementation, relying on Teemu’s Jsvee and Kelmu toolkits.
The other diagrams and interactive presentations in the ebook are by Juha Sorva.
The O1Library software has been developed by Aleksi Lukkarinen and Juha Sorva. Several of its key components are built upon Aleksi’s SMCL library.
The pedagogy of using O1Library for simple graphical programming (such as Pic
) is
inspired by the textbooks How to Design Programs by Flatt, Felleisen, Findler, and
Krishnamurthi and Picturing Programs by Stephen Bloch.
The course platform A+ was originally created at Aalto’s LeTech research group as a student project. The open-source project is now shepherded by the Computer Science department’s edu-tech team and hosted by the department’s IT services. Markku Riekkinen is the current lead developer; dozens of Aalto students and others have also contributed.
The A+ Courses plugin, which supports A+ and O1 in IntelliJ IDEA, is another open-source project. It was created by Nikolai Denissov, Olli Kiljunen, Nikolas Drosdek, Styliani Tsovou, Jaakko Närhi, and Paweł Stróżański with input from Juha Sorva, Otto Seppälä, Arto Hellas, and others.
For O1’s current teaching staff, please see Chapter 1.1.
Additional credits appear at the ends of some chapters.
to compare the target object with another experience object. When we call the method, we pass in a reference to the other object.