A+ will be down for a version upgrade on Thursday October 17th 2024 at 09:00-12:00.

LTI 1.3: Moodle as a tool

Exercises in this section are loaded from Aalto's Moodle/MyCourses development server running Moodle version 4. The exercises are set up as activities in the Moodle server and exposed through LTI. The common endpoint URL for launching all exercises is https://opendev8.aalto.fi/enrol/lti/launch.php and the exact exercise to be rendered is identified using a custom ID attribute that Moodle provides when activity is published through LTI. For example, the A+ RST configuration for the feedback questionnaire at the bottom of this page looks as follows:

.. submit:: lti_feedback 10
:title: Feedback
:lti1p3: MoodleDev
:lti_custom: id=ba17536e-1154-4e95-a5cb-5fd14e7b10b6

LTI 1.3 support involves some additional settings. The system administrators need to configure the exercises into A+ database much in the same way as with the legacy LTI (1.0/1.1) assignments. The configured name is then given with a new :lti1p3: directive. In addition, there is :lti_custom: directive that is used to configure tool-specific custom parameters, in Moodle's case the ID that identifies the activity to be linked.


Below is a selection three multichoice questions implemented as Moodle Quiz activity:

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

Missing words

Make the story complete:

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

File submission

This exercise is a classical Moodle assignment with file submission:

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.


And finally, a feedback questionnaire:

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

Posting submission...