This course has already ended.

Bonus points

You can get additional points if you e.g. take part in programming contests during the course. We will post information about such opportunities here and advertise them also in the Zulip forum of the course. To receive points, simply submit the relevant form in this section, and our course staff will check it.

Course feedback

If you submit course feedback using the official Aalto course feedback system, you will get 1 extra point.

NCPC practice contest

We will organize an online practice contest on Saturday, September 30, 2023, at 12.00pm–5.00pm. If you take part in this contest, all team members will get 2 points for each problem that you solve. This is a re-run of some old programming contest. Here is the link to the contest in CSES:

This is an opportunity to get practice for your NCPC team, so please follow all the usual NCPC rules: you compete as a team of at most 3 people, you can only use once computer, and you do not have access to the Internet.

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.


NCPC, the Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest, will be held on Saturday, October 7, 2023. If you take part in NCPC, all team members will get 3 points for each problem that you solve.

Please note that you will need to register your team in advance; you cannot compete unless you have registered. This is a contest held at many physical sites in parallel, and there is a site at Aalto University, in the computer science building.

Computer In A Room Challenge

You can get bonus points for a successful participation in the Computer In A Room Challenge organized by the European Space Agency. We will decide the precise scoring once the results are out, but if your team makes it to the finals, you will get 10 points per team member.

Datatähti — the Finnish Olympiad in Informatics

Datatähti is an annual programming contest for Finnish secondary school students, and its first round is held online on October 30–November 12, 2023.

While you are too old to participate in the real contest, there is a mirror of the contest with the same problems available here (note that the problems are available in English, Finnish, and Swedish):

The contest is open from October 30 to November 12, 2023. You will get points as follows based on your total score:



≥ 200


≥ 250


≥ 300


≥ 550




A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

NWERC Online Spectator Contest

NWERC 2023 is held on Sunday, November 26, 2023. There is an Online Spectator Contest starting at 11.30 Helsinki time. You will get 2 points for each task you solve in the online contest.

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

Advent of Code

Advent of Code starts on December 1, 2023, and there will be a two-part puzzle each day until December 25.

For each day you will get points as follows:

  • 2 points if you fully solve a daily two-part puzzle within the first 24 hours after the puzzle was published.

  • 1 point if you fully solve a daily two-part puzzle by the end of December.

So if you actively follow Advent of Code daily, you can get up to 50 points (!), and if you take a more relaxed schedule, you can get up to 25 points.

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

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