Explore the resource Helsinki in DBpedia by opening the URI that identifies
the RDF resource http://dbpedia.org/resource/Helsinki in a web browser.
This leads by a redirection to a Linked Data browser, which displays the
resource’s properties and their values in a human-readable format.
Get acquainted with the RDF serialization of the DBpedia resource Helsinki.
If your computer has the wget tool or similar HTTP client installed
(the assignment session computer class Windows computers don’t have), send an
HTTP request to the URI of Helsinki, http://dbpedia.org/resource/Helsinki.
Set a suitable Accept header (HTTP header) to get the response in RDF format.
For example wget parameter --header="Accept:text/turtle" gives the response
serialized in the Turtle format. You will see from the wget output that the
requested RDF serialization was returned through a redirection (HTTP 303 See Other).
If your computer doesn’t have wget installed and you don’t want to install it,
you can establish an SSH connection to an Aalto University general purpose server,
for example kosh.aalto.fi, and run the command there. Your Aalto Windows home
directory is visible on kosh.aalto.fi at directory ‘../data’ so you can save
the wget output there and examine it in Windows.
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