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A. Basics exercises

-See basics material here

Scientific computing practises

Which of the following you should do to follow the good enough computing practises? (Hint: There are 4 correct answers)

Computer set up

You should have set up your computer for scientific work. Open terminal and run echo $SHELL. What does this print?
Working on your terminal, verify your git version by running git --version . What does it print?
Verify your Python version by typing in your terminal python3 -V or python -V. What does it print?
Verify your Jupyter Lab version by typing jupyter-lab --version. What does it print? Hint: we expect and recommend most recent versions
Now verify your NumPy installation. You can use for example python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.__version__)" or if you use NumPy from Anaconda you can type conda list numpy. What is your NumPy version? Note: You do not necessarily need NumPy for the exercises but it is a good tool to have installed anyway.
Verify also your Matplotlib installation by executing python -c "import matplotlib; print(matplotlib.__version__)" Note: You do not necessarily need Matplotlib for the exercises but it is a good tool to have installed anyway.


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